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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Is Your Restaurant Properly Insured?

Restaurant owners invest a great deal of money into their operation, as a restaurant is a valuable business asset. The costs involved in installing cooking fixtures, correct venting, guest areas, and computer systems is significant. Once purchased and installed, you want to protect these assets should an unexpected event such as a fire, break-in, or flood occur. Restaurant insurance is essential, and it must be...

Prevent Cyber Crime from Happening to Your Business

As a business person, you are naturally concerned with making your business immune to cybercrime exposure, and with good reason. According to an article on CNBC, cybercrime cost the global economy $450 billion in 2016. Prevention is your best line of defense against cyber criminals. You will want an IT security expert to assess your company’s current vulnerabilities and needs. In addition, there are certain...

Why Every Contractor Needs Insurance Protection

Contractors face many challenges even when a project is moving ahead as planned. General contractors have contractual obligations and the threat of a financial loss if a construction defect claim is filed. In order to guard against losses associated with injuries or other damages, contractors need the protection provided by a product liability insurance policy. We live in a litigious world, and there are law...

The Hidden Value of Employee Sick Days for Business Owners

While it can be easy to see how sick days would be beneficial to your employees, they are equally valuable to you as an employer. Taking a day or two off from work affects immediate productivity, but the consequences of employees “toughing it out” and coming to work sick are far greater.  Coming to Work Sick: Why Not to Do It When there’s a lot to be accomplished...

General Liability Insurance and Why Your Business Needs It

As a business owner, you take every step you can to ensure the safety of your clients and the quality of the products and services you provide. We can’t know every type of incident that can occur in the course of doing business, and general liability insurance provides vital protection for when it does. Not only will this coverage protect your financial health when something...